Editorial committee

Trained in Zoology and Anthropology, is a Professor of Anthropology at Princeton University. His research delves into the how and why of being human. He is an active public scientist, a well-known blogger, lecturer, tweeter and a writer and explorer for National Geographic. His current projects include exploring cooperation, creativity, and belief in human evolution, multispecies anthropologies, evolutionary theory and processes, and engaging race and racism.

Is an anthropologist at Baylor University in Texas. Her research is about egalitarian political systems, and the relationship between cooperation and adversity. She does fieldwork with hunter-gatherers and horticulturalists in Central Africa and in Dominica. She is also engaged with raising awareness about the history of racism and countering disinformation perpetuated by scientific racism.

Is an Industrial Designer from the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM) and a Doctor in Physical Anthropology from the National School of Anthropology and History (ENAH). Her academic work focuses on linking and fostering the interdisciplinary exchange between Anthropology and Design. She has long experience on ceramic materials at an industrial and artisanal level. Her interests also focus on musical experimentation, as well as gastronomic exploration and Culinary Arts.

Izzy Wisher is an archaeologist, specialising in interdisciplinary approaches to Palaeolithic art. She is currently a postdoctoral researcher at Aarhus University (Denmark), working alongside cognitive scientists on the ERC project eSYMb: The Early Evolution of Symbolic Behaviour. She completed her PhD in 2022 at Durham University (UK), where she used virtual reality and methods from psychology to understand how pareidolia – the phenomenon of seeing forms in random patterns, like faces in clouds – influenced the production of Upper Palaeolithic cave art in northern Spain.

Is a PhD for University of Missouri, who received a BA in anthropology with highest honors from UC Berkeley. Her training in biodiversity, human osteology, paleontology, and island archaeology has provided her with a unique and important lens to understand human variation. She is also dedicated to science communication and outreach, and has worked as a museum educator and graduate instructor. She enjoys writing about the history of island research in anthropology, the applications of island biogeography to human biocultural variation, and the definition and effects of isolation today and in the past, and she also enjoys creating content and learning new ways to deliver science to public and professional audiences.

Is a Biologist from the School of Sciences of the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM) and holds a Master’s Degree in Philosophy of Science from the same institution. He is currently pursuing a PhD in Philosophy at the Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Germany.

“I came to Mexico City because they told me that my father, a certain Juan Vaca, lived here. My mother Teresa García told me”.
I am a Chilango grateful for public education. I graduated from Journalism at National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM) and since 1998, I decided to stop living in error, although with brief lapses in the written press and radio.
I have always voted for the left politics, and no, I have not been disenchanted with AMLO.

Trained as a biological anthropologist, he is a doctoral student at the National School of Anthropology and History (ENAH), where he studies the processes that develop creativity and innovation in humans, within the framework of institutional education, under the guidance of the professor Agustín Fuentes. He collaborates with the curatorship of the Introduction to Anthropology and Populations of America rooms of the National Museum of Anthropology, and he is also common people.

A former ballerina turned filmmaker, published fiction author and part-time film academic, Devi Snively is a proud alumnus of American Films Institute’s (AFI) Directing Workshop for Women and invited participant to the 2017 inaugural AFI/Fox Studios Bridge program. Her films have screened at over 500 festivals worldwide, garnering awards, distribution and critical acclaim.

Kevin Lala is Professor of Behavioural and Evolutionary Biology at the University of St Andrews, where he is a member of the Centre for Biological Diversity, the Centre for Social learning and Cognitive Evolution, the Institute for Behavioural and Neural Sciences, and the Scottish Primate Research Group. After completing his PhD at University College London, Laland held a Human Frontier Science Programme fellowship at UC Berkeley, followed by BBSRC and Royal Society University Research fellowships at the University of Cambridge, before moving to St Andrews in 2002. He has published over 230 scientific articles and 13 books on a wide range of topics related to animal behaviour and evolution, particularly social learning, cultural evolution and niche construction. He is an elected Fellow of the Royal Society of Edinburgh, a Fellow of the Society of Biology, and the recipient of both an ERC Advanced Grant and a Royal Society Wolfson Research Merit Award.

Is Physical anthropologist from the national school of anthropology and history (ENAH) and Doctor of Philosophy from the University of Valencia. Interested in human evolution and our relationship with primates. Convinced that the highest form of knowledge is the result of the interaction between science, philosophy and art.

Joanna Karolina Malinowska is an assistant professor at the Faculty of Philosophy at Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań, Poland, and a Fellow at The New Institute in Hamburg (01-06.2025). Her research primarily focuses on the philosophy of science, with strong intersections in ontology, epistemology, and ethics. Her work critically examines how concepts such as race and ethnicity, racism and whiteness are understood and used in scientific contexts. From 2021 to 2024 she was the Principal Investigator in a project considering applications and interpretations of ethnoracial categories in biomedical research and health care (funded by the Polish National Science Centre). Since 2024 she is also a member of a research group focusing on the contemporary use and handling of human remains (funded by the Constructive Advanced Thinking (CAT) programme of the NetIAS). She published in journals such as The British Journal for the Philosophy of Science, Synthese, Medicine Health Care and Philosophy, Minds and Machines, International Journal of Social Robotics, American Journal of Bioethics.

Is a Biological Pharmaceutical Chemist from the Metropolitan Autonomous University (UAM), with a master’s degree in Biological Sciences from the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM). She is currently doing her doctoral thesis in Biological Sciences at LIIGH under the mentorship of Dr. Ávila Arcos.

Is a Biologist from the National Polytechnic Institute (IPN), Master of Science from CINVESTAV/ Irapuato, also from IPN, where she worked in the area of Synthetic Biology. She is currently working on her doctoral thesis at the LIIGH of UNAM, in the group of Dr. María C. Ávila Arcos.

Is a Mexican living in Euskadi because of those things of love. Ethnohistorian from the National School of Anthropology and History (ENAH), with postgraduate studies at the Metropolitan Autonomous University (UAM), in relation to Religious Anthropology. She currently works in a juvenile justice center specialized in child-parent violence.

Is a Bolivian-Mexican; feminist, mother of a teenager, music lover, lover of concerts and soccer. Ethnologist from the National School of Anthropology and History with master’s studies in Human Development at the Latin American Faculty of Social Sciences, Argentina. A human rights defender, she has worked mainly on women’s rights and cultural rights in different spaces, from civil society and public service.

MEXICO CITY 1980. Graduated in Literary Creation from the Autonomous University of Mexico City, UACM. He writes chronicles and reports. He has been practicing photojournalism since 2008. He has obtained several awards in photographic and literary contests. In 2017 he obtained the PRENDE scholarship from the Universidad Ibero. He received an honorable mention at the Puebla de los Angeles Biennial. He has published in magazines in Spain, Austria, the United States and Mexico.

Is a Physical Anthropologist and a Technical in a Chemical-Microbiological Laboratory. She currently resides in the Netherlands. She is passionate about art and design but she also loves to travel, see new places, new cultures, new worlds and new experiences.

Biologist from the School of Higher Studies (F.E.S.) Iztacala at the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM). She is studying a master’s degree in Biological Sciences at the same university. She performs molecular biology projects in vanilla with a comprehensive approach based on bioinformatics tools, omic technologies, systems biology and machine learning. She is interested in issues related to the domestication of plants, biological and cultural evolution for the generation of agricultural resources. She is convinced that the integration of different types of knowledge is the keystone for innovation and social resilience.

Is Researcher at the Institute of Social Research from the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM). Economist interested in socio-economic issues on science, technology and innovation. President of the Research and Teaching Network in Technological Innovation (RIDIT) and Scientific Advisor in the area of economics of the Inter-ministerial Commission for Biosafety of Genetically Modified Organisms (CIBIOGEM).
Creative team

Graphic designer with experience in web designer, editorial, image and diffusion design.
In recent years it has been dedicated to the purchase and development of new products within the automotive industry, establishing business relationships with eastern countries.

An electronics and communications engineer from UNITEC, he is fond of technology in general and especially telecommunications. He is willing to learn the things that really interest him to the fullest, he considers himself a self-taught person and he loves to keep up to date on issues related to his career.

I’m Adriana, content “translator” , builder of images, passionate about color, I love “touching and smelling” the designs. I carry the “banda” in my blood because of my last name and I wear it with pride even in my shoes. I believe in respecting actions, words as a principle to be a better person and an image as a context or frame of life. I’ve worked for government agencies in favor of the citizens and for some years I have been part of the defense of human rights at CDMX. I love my city and I want to be and make a difference.

“I trade the geek look for the radical freak look.”. (Timeless Contemporary). Socially distancing myself before it was cool. Enthusiast for cinema and music. Believer in transgression from the image.
With the animation tattooed on the skin.

Michel is a Mexican photographer, established in Germany some years ago. He has focused his photography career mainly within the tourism field, working in some of the main travel destinations in Mexico and Europe.

Is a visual / photography artist and videographer. Barista and cultural diffuser for passion. For about two decades, he has become a promoter and diffuser of music, especially jazz, helping to publicize many projects that have become essential for the syncopated genre.